Δωρεάν βιβλία για ανατροφή κοτόπουλων γαλοπούλων, παπιών, χηνών

The Kellerstrass way of raising chickens (1909)-Kellerstrass

Mrs. Basley's poultry book; tells you what to do and how to do it; the chicken business from first to last including 1001 questions and answers, relative to up-to-date poultry culture (1908)-Basley, A. Mrs.

The Plymouth Rock standard and breed book; a complete description of all varieties ... with the text in full from the latest (1915) rev. ed. of the American standard of perfection ... also, with treatises on breeding ... etc.([c1921])-American Poultry Association; Smith, Arthur Carlton

Modern farm buildings; being suggestions for the most approved ways of designing the cow barn, dairy, horse barn, hay barn,sheepcote, piggery, manure pit, chicken house, root cellar, ice house, andother buildings of the farm group, on practical, sanitary and artistic lines(1920)
Δωρεάν βιβλία για γαλοπούλες πάπιες χήνες

Turkeys, all varieties. Their care and management (1904)

Turkeys and how to grow them. A treatise on the natural history and origin of the name of turkeys; the various breeds, and best methods to insure success in the business of turkey growing (1897)-Myrick Herbert

Margaret Mahaney talks about turkeys. The skillful New England raiser tells us some of the secrets of the successful raising of turkeys (1915)-Mahaney Margaret

Practical turkey raising. Turkeys for market and turkeys for profit (1887)-Mitchell Robert B.

Turkeys, ducks, and geese (1909)-Nourse Harold Alvah

Ducks, geese and turkeys (1920)-Brown, Edward
Poultry fattening; A practical guide to the fattening, killing,shaping, dressing, and marketing of chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys (1895)-Brown Edward

Five hundred questions and answers! on poultry raising.A book of practical and authenic information in the form of questions and answers on various subjects, as feed and care, diseases, eggs, incubators, buildings, etc.With a chapter on turkeys, geese & ducks (1899)-Darrow James Wallace
Δωρεάν βιβλία για αρρώστιες ζώων

The American eclectic practice of medicine, as applied to the diseases of domestic animals; in which every form of disease peculiar to animals is treated in accordance with the most approved methods of modern science, with a treatise on bleeding, blistering, mercurializing, and thepernicious effects of minerals on the animal fibers: With a list of poisons and their antidotes, together with a historical sketch of the horse-Nelson N. Titus

The poultry doctor; including the homeopathic treatment and care of chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and singing birds, also a materia medica of the chief remedies (1891)

The homoeopathic poultry physician (poultry veterinarian); or, Plain directions for the homoeopathic treatment of the most common ailments of fowls, ducks, geese, turkeys and pigeons. Based on the author's large experience, and compiled from the most reliable sources.Translated from the German (1880)-Schröter, Fr

Common Diseases of Farm Animals-R. A. Craig, D.V. M. (2005)www.kashvet.org
Πηγές βιβλίων: http://books.google.com, http://www.archive.org
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